Debits & Credits Rap


Intro: Accounting Play, CP-yay! Accounting Play, CP-yay! Accounting Play, CP-yay!

Accounting Play and I trying to get paid
Debit assets up, credit them down
San Francisco livin’ – up town
Now listen up – to the CPA sound

Debit cash up, credit down
Other side now, flip around
I got revenue credits, expenses as debits
Debit left, credit right – balance sheet so tight

Liability, not for me you see
Drop down with a debit, come up with a credit
I ain’t no nerd, no cash deferred
Down down with a debit, up up with a credit

Reppin’ S.F.C., profits – to equity
Drop down with a debit, come up with a credit
Earnings retained, CPA brains
Down down with a debit, up up with a credit

Debit cash up, credit down
Other side now, flip around
I got revenue credits, expenses as debits
Debit left, credit right – balance sheet so tight

Revenue credits, expenses as debits
Fo’ my profit and loss, CPA Boss
Revenue credits to the sky so high
Without a doubt – expenses debit out

Balance sheet impeccable, assets and capital
Accounting Play for the Bay out rapable
Bonds is owned and yours is payable
independent now, I ain’t for sale bro

Debit cash up, credit down
Other side, now flip around
I got revenue credits, expenses as debits
Debit left, credit right – balance sheet so tight
Debit left, credit right – balance sheet so tight
Debit left, credit right – balance sheet so tight

John Gillingham, 2014 All rights reserved

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