The best learn accounting apps are here: Accounting Flashcards & Lessons, Debits & Credits Game, and the Accounting Quiz Game... But how to make the icons look cool? How can you make anything accounting cool, useful, and succinct. App icons gotta be interesting to push, like, hey "install this" and at the same time I want to present the 3 apps together holistically so the user gets the "Full Accounting Play Package."

So below are various mockups, branding conceptions, and app icons I would really appreciate your feedback on.

It is important to know that even though most may "like" one icon or another... in actuality may actually install another icon for other - even subconscious reasons. So it it is tough and for sure a designer will need clean things up.

The main goal is - A nice clean icon people are excited to download (or can tolerate) and the 3 kinda go together. This is the user appeal to those actually using the product. But... There is another market here, such as institutions and even private companies. So the branding needs good conversions (people who see it, want to click it) but, also be appealing to potential strategic partners.

So it is a great challenge and I am happy to share my iterations here - along with references in case we are discussing over email.

And so... the Accounting Play Branding Images

All I need is... 3 core images, 1 Spanish version... 1 Chinese... and a logo for the financial ratios app. So why not just use letters with my logo colors??? Only through crowd feedback, design, and testing - compared to date... will we know the "best" logo.


  1. 2015-11-13 Letter icons and trilogy branding
    2015-11-13 trilogy branding export mock









2. Trilogy Together 4k x 4k 10-16-2015

Trilogy Together 4k x 4k.fw









2.1 blue sky, retro 2015 branding - only "Accounting Flashcards" looks significantly different - the hanging flashcard design, circa,

Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 11.29.09 PM









3. 2015-10-18 Horizontal branding

2015-10-18 Horizontal branding










4. 2015-10-29 ipad-splash, s

ipad-splash, samples









5. 2015-10-13 draft-trilogy_Artboard 5 copydraft-trilogy_Artboard  copy and others




draft-trilogy_Artboard 5







C icons together in triangle format (icons with solid, semi light burst gradient background)














5.32015-10-18 Trilogy square mockup











6. 2015-11-13 Logo





6.1 logo_draft







7. Logos

2015-11-2 Podcast logo

2014-12-5_ AP_logo_1024X1024










7.1 color beam

color beam










7.2 island Page 1 Copy 22

Page 1 Copy 22










7.3 2014-3-10 Facebook AF I

2014-3-10 Facebook AF I










7.4 social media background : /

2014 AP logo with phone





7.5 logo circa 2012...#5032 Accunting Flash Logo






8. To improve 4 sure "me Pics" John pics associated with brand

8.1 JG

6 what up and chill IMG_4052










8.2 JG - cheesy.


John Gillingham CPA










8.3 - other cpa prof image

google plus and yelp










9.1 Current icons that will need to fit into the 2016 Branding